Contact Us
You can contact all members of the PPC committee directly at PPC@ceitec.muni.cz or you can reach out to Indivirual members of the PPC committee.
Microsoft Teams Workspace
As a Postdoc at CEITEC you can join our common online communication platform at Microsoft Teams. Simply click on this link, login with your MUNI credentials and join the CEITEC Postdocs Team. If you are a Postdoc at any other institution or university of the CEITEC consortium, contact us at ppc@ceitec.muni.cz and we will send you an invitation to join the group.
You will find useful details about various topics and you are welcome to contribute to the chat with your own voice.
If you have any issues at your worklpace and you would like it to be taken with discretion in a professional way, contact the Postdoc Ombudsperson Nikola Kostlánová at nikola.kostlanova@ceitec.muni.cz.